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Below is a simple example which rendering a fixed url’s image and set a input box so the user can enter width. Check Sample widget implementation as example
import { css } from "@emotion/css";
import { Input, Slider } from "@mui/material";
import { BlockProperty, ToolDefinition, ToolRenderProps } from "dmeditor";
import {PropertyGroup, PropertyItem, Ranger} from 'dmeditor/utils';
import { useState } from "react";
export const SampleWidget = (props:ToolRenderProps)=>{
///add status control here
const [width, setWidth] = useState(300);
return <div>
{/* property */}
<BlockProperty blocktype={'sample'}>
<PropertyItem label="Width">
<Slider aria-label="Width" valueLabelDisplay="auto" defaultValue={width} step={5} max={800} onChange={(e, v)=>setWidth(v as number)} />
<div style={ {width: width} } className={css`height:300px; background:#ffe3e3`}>
{props.data.data} <br />
Width: {width}</div>
//Define toolSampleWidget
export const toolSampleWidget:ToolDefinition = {
type: 'sample',
name: 'Sample widget',
menu: {category:'basic',icon: <span>A</span> },
initData: ()=>{return {type:'sample', data:'This is a sample.', settings:{}}},
render: (props:ToolRenderProps)=><SampleWidget {...props} />
import { registerTool, registerCategory } from "dmeditor";
//register a category if it doesn't exist
registerCategory({identifier:'content', text:'Content'});
//register the tool
For styling, DM Editor uses emotion css, so you are free to style whatever you want. We have some predefined css variables & classes so you can use in your widget: See Mobile styling & rendering
For intraction, you can use third party libaray in side BlockProperty
, eg. Boostrap React / MUI / Ant design. We use MUI for intraction(input, model, dropdown, etc) for now.
See data format for more.